Preserving Karawitan through a Validated-Archive Web Based Digital Library

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Arry Maulana Syarif
Candra Irawan
Ika Novita Dewi
Erlin Dolphina
Acun Kardianawati


This study aims to support the preservation of Karawitan, traditional music from Java, that consists of Gamelan as music instruments and gendhing as traditional Javanese songs. The development of KDL was focused on the documentation of song data containing five attributes, which are sheet music, lyrics, song description, audio, and video. The Validated-Archive Web (VAW) based digital library (DL) model which is centered on user activities in DL management was implemented for developing the KDL. One way to increase the amount of collection is to provide open access for users to upload content. However, the validity of data in the Karawitan preservation must be prioritized. The mechanism for maintaining the validity of the data was carried out by grouping users based on their roles and access restrictions based on user level. Based on the evaluation of the accessibility and usability interface, the development of KDL that implemented the VAW-based DL model can function well. Moreover, the tasks of administrators who tend to be technical tasks can be carried out well. The data collection in KDL is proven to be well-managed based on user-centered activities.


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How to Cite
Preserving Karawitan through a Validated-Archive Web Based Digital Library. (2024). ASTEEC Conference Proceeding: Computer Science, 1(1), 162-167.

How to Cite

Preserving Karawitan through a Validated-Archive Web Based Digital Library. (2024). ASTEEC Conference Proceeding: Computer Science, 1(1), 162-167.